Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) John Kim entered on duty as a Special Agent (SA) in 2007. From 2007 through 2014, he was assigned to the San Francisco Division, San Jose Resident Agency where he worked criminal, cyber and national security investigations. During this period, SA Kim was afforded the opportunity to work closely with companies in Silicon Valley to promote a collaborative working relationship which resulted in multiple successful investigations.
In 2014, SA Kim was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) of the National Security Covert Operations Unit. In this position he provided oversight and management of all FBI undercover operations.
In 2015, SSA Kim was promoted to Unit Chief (UC) in the Joint Targeting Intelligence Group where he led the investigations and operations against significant hybrid commercial enterprises that posed an asymmetric cyber and counterintelligence threat to U.S. Critical Infrastructure. In
2016, UC Kim was selected as Acting Assistant Legal Attaché to Manila, Philippines to initiate a Joint Cybersecurity Working Group to promote cooperation and knowledge sharing on cybercrime and cybersecurity best practices among local stakeholders.
In 2017, UC Kim was selected as SSA for the FBI Las Vegas Division’s National Security squad, where he led all efforts to combat the threats posed by foreign intelligence services and their proxies within the state of Nevada. SSA Kim was also selected as the Primary Crisis Management Coordinator (CMC) managing emergency operations centers for multiple large scale criminal takedowns, special events and most recently for the 1 October Las Vegas shooting. In addition, SSA Kim led a Cyber team of agents and analysts during the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea.
In 2019, SSA Kim was promoted as the Legal Attaché to Jakarta, Indonesia covering the fourth largest populated country in the world to include Timor-Leste. Legat Kim was responsible for establishing strategic partnerships with host country, multilateral partners and other U.S. law enforcement, intelligence and diplomatic agencies, while coordinating and investigating intelligence collection and enforcement operations.
In 2022, Legat Kim was promoted to Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge for the San Diego Field Office, responsible for all Cyber, Counterintelligence, Intelligence Operations and the San Diego Regional Computer’s Forensic Laboratory.
SSA Kim holds a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.